Friday, December 23, 2005

Womens health

What's a fibroid ? . What's a fibromyomata?.

Fibroids are bening tumours of the uterus consisting of muscle
and fibrous tissue forming interlacing bundles- Fibromyomata-.

The cause is unknown.

They cause menorrhagia by enlarging the cavity and producing
a large bleeding area.

They may grow superficially, close to the peritoneum-subserous-,
or within the muscle wall-intramural-,
or adjacent to the cavity-submucous-.

For more information: Please, contact your physician.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Womens health

Something to know about the menstrual periods.

What is amenorrhoea??

Amenorrhoea may be of to types: Primay or Secondary.
When the periods have not started by the age of 17 years there is primary amenorrhoea.
If previously normal periods cease then secondary amenorrhoea is present.
By the way. The most common cause of secondary amenorrhoea is........Pregnancy

Sunday, December 18, 2005

New beginning

Hola a todos.
Hello world.

For strategic reazons and to reach more people , from now on I decided to write this Blog in English .

- Women -

Question: What's the only bad thing about women ???

?????? ........... ??????

That is: ! We can't live without them ¡
Don't you agree??........
I hope you do.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Un proposito en la vida

Hola. Nuevamente entro al Blog.
Saludos a todos. Sigo ensayando .
Mientras tanto, les aporto el siguiente mensaje.

Cada uno de nosotros tiene una tarea especifica en la difusion del amor y el bien.
Ayuda al mundo para que el mundo te ayude a ti.
Extiende tus brazos generosos para cultivar, difundir y proporcionar el bien, asi podras recoger frutos abundantes de felicidad y amor.
Hasta pronto.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Bueno, hoy por fin me decidi a iniciar mi Blog.
!Que reto!
Estoy en la fase de exploracion de este recurso, espero dominarlo pronto
y poder aportarle algo util y benefico a todo aquel que lo visite.

Luego nos vemos.

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