Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Umbilical cord encircled around the fetal neck

Fetal neck is a fairly common place for the umbilical cord to be found, parents often worry that the umbilical cord will result in undesirable outcomes for the baby, but even though, it is a very scary condition with a very small chance of possible undesirable outcomes, in the majority of cases this condition is seldom a problem and most babies do just fine.
The incidence umbilical cords encircled around the fetus, neck ranges from 21% in one loop to 0.2% in three loops
The umbilical cord is long, usually around 55 centimeters abnormal extremes of cord length range from apparently no cord (achordia) to lengths of up to 300 cm.
A long umbilical cord gets wrapped around the baby frequently and often unwraps just as frequently. The likelihood of a problem is no higher than normal. The chance of damaging the baby is very small. Although there is some disagreement; most studies have found no relationship of nuchal cords with serious neonatal problems. Fortunately, nuchal cords are an uncommon cause of fetal death
Many babies are born with the cord wrapped around the neck, though there is always a chance of tight severe compression, usually is so loose that constriction is a seldom and pretty easy to slip the cord over the baby’s head and go on to have a safe delivery. If the cord is tight and disallows any manipulation, it will be double clamp and cut between clamps to free the cord. Very few cases will need a caesarean section in labour due to a tight cord leading to distress in the baby.
There is nothing that can be done to prevent cord encircled around the baby’s neck,, if you can, try not to worry about it, as the likelihood of a problem is no higher than normal.

Ultrasound diagnosis of encircled umbilical cord
wrapped around the fetal neck
The baby's neck is shown in the longitudinal and transversal section, a portion of the umbilical cord was seen as a double circular band surrounding the fetal nuchal surface, formed by a series of collared lines with spiral course creating a ultrasonic pattern of “barber's pole”.

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