Monday, January 23, 2006

Pregnancy and Exercise

Exercise: That is one of the best things that you cand do for your body and your new comming child. Women who exercise during pregnancy are more likely to have easy labor and deliveries and faster recoveries.

During pregnancy occur some physiologic changes that affect the mothers response to exercise and for some pregnant women exercise may be more dangerous than beneficial As you know: There are anatomic changes that alter balance, flexibility, and coordination, besides there are also physiologic changes taken place in the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal system. So as the pregnant woman body changes and her baby develops , maternal response to exercise also changes, so what she would be able to do in terms of exercise changes too

Certain exercises are less likely to result in injury for pregnant moms. Those are: Walking , Swimming ,Yoga ,Dancing , Stationary Cycling Ease Prenatal Aerobics

- Exercise during pregnancy and its benefits -

Exercise releases feel-good endorphins providing an exceptional form of stress relief and better state of mind, feeling stronger, happier and more positive

  • Women have increased chances of a vaginal birth and less likely to experience difficult labors

  • Helps minimize back pain because tones strengthen back muscles.helps improve posture and flexibility

  • Relieves many of the minor ailments of pregnancy

  • May help prevent excessive weight gain providing better body shape

Don’t exercise or stop exercising if you have:

· Been bleeding or have placenta praevia
· A ruptured amniotic membrane
· Had more than one miscarriage, stillbirth or premature baby or carrying twins or a small-for-dates baby
· High blood pressure, swollen hands and feet, or headaches
· Diabetes
· An incompetent cervix
· Anemia,
· Thyroid disease
· Breech presentation in the third trimester,
· Congestive heart failure,valvular heart disease associated
· Experience pain in the abdomen or chest
· Uterine contractions
· Irregular or rapid heartbeats
· Can't feel the baby moving

The individual circumstances such as height, weight, initial fitness levels are very important as it is to consult your healthcare provider and work in conjunction with your medical advicer from antenatal class. Do not take risks.


  • Never exercise to exhaustion. If you can keep up a conversation while excersizing then it is okay, but if you are getting too out of breath means that you are working too hard. Just watch that you do not overdo - meaning heart rate or training to hard. If you have concerns that you may be overdoing, the best thing to do would be to slow down.

  • If you're a regular exerciser, continue with your normal exercise programme.

  • If you're a beginner, start some form of gentle exercise. Any excercices where physical injury is a chance are not a good idea obviously.

  • Go with what feels right. Everything in moderation makes sense, listen to your body and do only what you feel comfortable with.

  • If you are sick , have fever and not feeling well or tired, or have sore breasts there is no point in exercising.

  • Don't get too hot when exercising. Use clothing that allow adequate ventilation to prevent hyperthermia. Your body temperature is already higher during pregnancy. Don't exercise in very warm or humid weather or environments ; avoid saunas, steam baths and hot tubs.
    Stop exercising if you get very hot .Over-heating early in pregnancy may possibly affect your baby's neural development.

  • Stay hydrated and keep cool. Drink water. Prevent dehydration and hypovolemia whith adequate fluid intake during and after exercise.

  • Avoid activities that involve potential low-oxygen states as hiking at a high altitude or scuba diving since you may be deprived of oxygen.

  • Work at no more than 140 beats per minute

  • Make sure you get sports bra; you'll need extra support for your new shape.

  • Correct footwear is essential now too as the effect of relaxin on your ligaments means your joints are prone to injury.

  • Be careful about balance, your center of gravity changes as your belly grows.

  • Avoid bouncing and jerky movements especially in the third trimester.

  • Don't take risks , You should stop all contact sports and any exercise that risks even mild abdominal trauma.and those activities that could throw you off balance. Don't do exercises in which you could lose your balance, especially in the third trimester

  • Avoid exercises that involve maneuvers that can strain you, including power-lifting, leg presses, pull-ups, situps. Do weights only if your doctor recommends it; lifting heavy weights will cause you to strain.

  • In your second trimester, do not lie on your back, this position can impair blood flow to the placenta and so on to the baby.

    I hope this information will help you continue your exercise routine, healthy pregnancy and happy outcome.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


INFERTILITY: Failure to conceive.
For conception the essential factors are:
  1. Normal intercourse
  2. Normal Semen
  3. Normal Ovulation
  4. Patent fallopian tubes

Failure to conceive is usually due to some fault in one of these factors.

Investigation of the couple, husband and wife should be instigated if the couple have attemptend conception for 12 month or more.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Womens health


Purpose: Ensure maximun fitness of the mother,
thus providing the best environment for the developing child.
Further, to watch and treat early symptoms and signs of
disorder and so prevent maternal and foetal complications.

Instruction is given to the mother to prepare her for the changes in late pregnancy and for the labour.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Vaginal Discharge

It is a very common gynaecological sympton.

There is normally a small amount of discharge due to mucus secretion from the
cervical glands and the vaginal epithelium.

But.....Some disorders cause vaginal discharge:

  • Cervical erosions and chronic cervicitis
  • Infections of the Vagina
  • Trichomonal Vaginitis
  • Monilia Vaginitis
  • Gonococcal Vaginitis
  • Foreing Bodies

Consult your Doctor about it.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


In medical terms this word means: Difficult or painful intercourse.
The cause may be physical or may lie in the patient's mental attitude towards intercourse.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


  • An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

The Menopause

Menopause means the cessation of regular monthly periods
The average age at which women reach the menopause is approximately 50 years
The main symptoms and sings can be attributed to a fall in the level of circulating oestrogen

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


A premature baby is one weighing less than 2.500 gms, irrespective of
the period of gestation

They are in danger because none of the vital organs
are fully developed

One of the hazards of prematurity is the great incidence of
respiratory difficulty .

Antenatal care is very important to ensure a safe labour

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Happy New Year - 2006 -

To you and your family.
My Whishes are:

  • Maximun health and well being
  • Mental and Espiritual Strenght
  • Fulfilment of your Mission in Life (-Dharma-)
  • Projects come true
  • Find true Love and Friendship
  • Find the light of Universal Love (-Metta-)
  • Shelter and Provision
  • Sharp discernment and Intution
  • Erase Unhappines, Sadness and Sufferings
  • Have fun an and lot of reazons to smile
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