Friday, May 18, 2007

Pregnant women's behaviours

"Nesting instinct" : It is an acute impulse that often begins around the 5th month, most females in the animal kingdom experience similar behaviours just as you see birds making their nests, mothers-to-be do exactly the same thing.

This instinct guides mothers-to-be toward creating a comfortable space that counteracts the chaos of the outside world by an urging desire to prepare a nest in their home for the new baby.
As the due date draws closer, women start to tie up loose ends of old projects, organize their world, seek and destroy dust and mold, cleaning and decorating, organizing closets reorganizing anything within arms reach, cleaning cupboards or washing walls, throwing away good sheets and towels because a strong need to have "brand new, clean" sheets and towels in home.

Creating a clean, orderly, beautiful, peaceful space is not only a biological imperative, but a spiritual imperative as well; it is a humorous aspect of pregnancy, and experience to laugh about in the future. Enjoy it.

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