Tuesday, December 21, 2010


"Grandparents are a family's greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy, The greatest storytellers, the keepers of traditions that linger on in cherished memory. Grandparents are the family's strong foundation. Their very special love sets them apart. Through happiness and sorrow, through their special love and caring, grandparents keep a family close at heart." ~Author Unknown

"Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while.....but our hearts forever. ~Author unknown

There's no place like home except Grandma's." ~Author unknown

"Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies." ~Author unknown

"Grandmother-grandchild relationships are simple. Grandmas are short on criticism and long on love."~Author Unknown

"Grandmother - a wonderful mother with lots of practice." ~Author Unknown

"A grandmother is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend." ~Author Unknown

Chinese Proverbs
"The old are the precious gem in the center of the household."

"To forget one's ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without a root."

Italian Proverbs
"If nothing is going well, call your grandmother."

1 comment:

Dhizzy said...

A grandmother is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend.

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